Sunday, April 1, 2007

Introduction to a metathesis

I am using the format of the blog for a thesis. The blog format encourages dissemination. The blog is open to collective constants through the ability for anyone to comment on what is said at any time rather than the traditional review period of an individual vision. I don’t believe in separating art forms. What I write about and how it is written I consider in creative terms to be art as well. The thesis is an open framework. Something that is constantly being added to and edited, changing over time just like the art it references. I have chosen to write entries that are self-contained. Each entry has something to do with the other but are individual moments. In this way I have shown what in my art practice is a very important thread, the macro/micro concept of something being read as itself and as a connector to a greater self. Things close up and far away are at once dissimilar and compatible.
My work deals with issues of marginality, structure analysis, multiple meaning, and style diversion. I am attracted to the cast off and overlooked.
It is my practice to view things metathetically. When visual constants representing everyday reality (perspective, depth perception, light direction) are viewed as instances of meaning rather than absolutes reality itself becomes a tool. With this an understanding of Cartesian approaches to what is considered real is offset. I often manipulate the make-up of visual signifiers, often referencing (art) history, to generate a terminal in which the viewer freely draws lines of meaning. By staging events in Synesthetic environments and mixed cultural sites my pieces are permitted to express the state in which people, Places, and the elements are transitory. People see sounds, still lives coalesce with their surroundings, and thoughts, structures, and organisms are interchangeable.

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